
Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Painting Queen Is Now On Facebook

Hey Kids! It's true. The Painting Queen has finally succumbed to the beast that is facebook. My young royal spawn kept saying that I must integrate my blog with social media. So I did it...cough...cough...cough. Having a facebook page link helps makes it easier for modern hip gadget loving people with smaller portable hand held magic screens to follow blogs. So to make it easy, I have torn my hair out creating said pages on big brother's plaything... facebook. You will find the obligatory "like" button thing-a-mah-jig down in the left hand column of this blog. Pushing that will set up facebook users with access to my blog's new facebook page called of course "The Painting Queen!" Oh! The things the Queen does to please her wonderful followers in the realm of madness! Enjoy the new page, that will now show up on your f-wall, enthralling you with the many wonders that is PQ's world. Or you could go directly to my new f-page right now and follow...follow...follow... Guess this means that anytime now I will be a twit and get some pinterest.
The Painting Queen on facebook.

Image credits for facebook cover art - Tumble Fish Studio and Crystal Visions Art


  1. So sorry to read that the body snatchers succeeded in cloning you with one of their pods. "They" now know everything about you ... You're in the Data Base. With your assigned number you will enjoy customized advertising and all the other benefits as a member of bought and sold demographic studies..

    1. Shhh I am going underground........infiltrating from the inside. I think I will use those brain snatcher's used in the "Tingler" on the pod masters.

  2. LOLOLOL Crystal I've been thinking about making a facebook page for my blog and you've given me the push!! although mine won't be as stunning as yours is!

  3. It was a long fight, but I kept running into people who only visit blogs from their facebook pages. So there...soon I will start getting up early or something...not...I am still me.

  4. I killed my FB site about a year or so ago. What's startling, its near impossible to fully erase a FB account ... and the semi-complex erasure won't be found on FB ... Google search will reveal the technique.

    1. I believe it! At this point I think it's more than that f-site that is watching...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
