
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Trey Ratcliff's View From Hobbiton

We found these wonderful photos taken by HDR photographer Trey Ratcliff of Tolkien's visible world as it looks now. Look closely...there is the party tree just outside the door of Bilbo's Hobbit Hole! Below is a closer look of the tree stretching out in all it's majesty and glory! 

We were thrilled Trey came to our world and took such inspiring photos just to share the beauty of these lands! The Hobbits told us that Trey Ratcliff is an excitable generous soul who happily shares his photos and knowledge of HDR techniques on his Flicker pages and website 'Stuck In Customs.'  You can certainly see by these images why his website is the number one travel photography blog. 

During the Holiday Season in the eternally gorgeous Shire, everyone is very thankful for all that is.  We love to take the time to find a quiet place of reflection and realize what is most important to us... ...each other...... and the unity we can find in peace.

Living in Lothlorian, the beauty is felt within, and reflected outward onto our glorious surroundings. As the lights of the season sparkle and twinkle in the misty light, we hope you relax and enjoy those quiet magical moments in your home...Please remember who you really are in the scheme of all things...a beautiful creation 
of light and love. Share your most valuable gift of beauty...
...the love and peace of your heart, with everyone you encounter.


  1. Lovely writing to accompany those great pictures. Thanks honey!

  2. These are Glorious Pictures! The Lord of Rings Series is amazing! Exceptional Movies! These Pictures really Capture the Magic and Enchantment of Them!
    Thank you for Coming by and your Sweet Comments! I have to tell you Working with the Midwest Company would be Sooooooooo Much Fun!!!
    Our Store Buys Quite a Bit from them!
    Happy Monday Miss Painting Queen!!!
